Friday, September 22, 2006

Geography of a disease...HIV/AIDS


· AVERTis an international HIV and AIDS charity based in the UK. The website is comprehensive and includes sections and up-to-date statistics on HIV and AIDS in the UK; Aid News; Aids Education and much more on HIV and AIDS and other STDs.

· BBC The Global spread of HIV AIDSMore than 39 million people around the world are living with HIV – slightly more than the population of Poland. Nearly two-thirds of them live in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the dramatic rise in cases among women is particularly evident.

· Department of International Development- The spread of diseases like HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis wreak havoc in poor countries. In 2002, 42 million adults and five million children were living with HIV and AIDS and 95% of those people were in developing countries.

· Kids Health HIV and AIDS. Many people (not just kids, but adults, too) don't really understand how HIV and AIDS are related, even though they hear these two terms used together all the time.

· National Geographic– Living with Aids

· The South East Public Health Observatory (SEPHO)is one of nine regional Observatories throughout England and Wales and is a member of the Association of Public Health Observatories. SEPHO’s aim is to improve health and reduce inequalities in the South East region by providing information and support to local organisations, partners and stakeholders.

· UNICEF The big picture: young people and HIV and AIDS Young people are at the centre of the HIV and AIDS crisis. An estimated 11.8 million young people (aged 15–24) are living with HIV today.

· World Health Organisation– Statistics by Disease Links to statistical information available throughout WHO's technical programmes. Organized by disease, condition or topic.
More Websites

· Contains fact sheets as downloads on HIV and AIDS and links to many different things like News articles from around the world and Case studies about how it has effected people and what they are trying to do to deal with the symptoms and control its spread.

·,diseases_links&language=english#10 Excellent site. All you would want to know about many diseases in people and animals but especially detailed about HIV and AIDS.

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